In the blink of an eye, two months have passed, and spring has arrived at Big Sky. After having the coldest and snowiest winter I can ever remember in Texas, I am very glad to have the warm weather, green grass, and flowers finally appear! We have also begun to show our little Birdie and Bean (though neither are quite so little anymore!), and they have done well. Birdie took Best of Breed both days at the Wichita Falls show, and Bean took Best of Breed both days at the Ft. Worth show, so both now have three points towards their championships. We took a few pictures the other day, so here they are at 8 months. We also decided we needed an updated picture of their sire, Valor, so here he is as well at age 4 years. Enjoy!
What the hell, it's been 6 months since I posted? You guys gotta yank my
chain if this happens again. I thought it was only a couple of months.
Anyway, w...
3 months ago